A simple BLOB store is comming

Monday, Jan 10, 2022| Tags: API, XMPIP, development

Hello developers in the Monaparty world.

What’s “binarystore” ?

We started to study for adding a binary storage to Monaparty chain. we’ll provide a way to store your binaries (the recommended size limit is about 10kB).

The road to “Monaparty Automation”

You will be enable to use this function just as a short storage.

In addition, it will be used in upcoming “Monaparty Automation”. Message-templates and Partyscript byte-codes will be stored in the binarystore. This is one of the key component for the future Monaparty.

binarystore related specification will be defined XMPIP-0022. Please check it if you are a dApps developer.

Happy Hacking.


The first step is to create your wallet. One of the easiest way is to use Counterwallet-mona, our official wallet.

Start Monaparty with Counterwallet-mona