Change | Activate Block (Mainnet) | Activate Block (Testnet) | Node version |
better single source destination | 335000 | 0 | 9.48.0 |
broadcast invalid check | 423888 | 0 | 9.55.0 |
broadcast pack text | 423888 | 861987 | 9.55.0 |
btc order filled | 2145000 | 960000 | 9.5600.0 |
btc order minimum | 2145000 | 960000 | 9.5600.0 |
btc order minimum adjustment 1 | 9999999 | 9.999999e+06 | 9.5900.0 |
btc sell expire on match expire | 2145000 | 960000 | 9.5600.0 |
bytespersigop | 423888 | 0 | 9.54.0 |
contracts only xcp balances | 333500 | 0 | 9.47.1 |
delisted assets | 1463600 | 317777 | 9.5500.300 |
destroy reactivated | 2145000 | 960000 | 9.5600.0 |
disable rps | 352000 | 0 | 9.51.0 |
dispensers | 2145000 | 960000 | 9.5803.0 |
dont credit zero dividend | 2323232 | 1.12e+06 | 9.5806.5 |
enable vendable fix | 2145000 | 975000 | 9.5802.0 |
enhanced sends | 489956 | 350000 | 9.55.3 |
fee revision 2021 1q | 2270000 | 1.08e+06 | 9.5805.4 |
first input is source | 423888 | 0 | 9.55.0 |
hotfix dispensers with non p2pkh | 2145000 | 975000 | 9.5801.0 |
hotfix integer overflow | 0 | 0 | 9.50.0 |
hotfix numeric assets | 334000 | 0 | 9.49.0 |
inmutable fee fraction | 2145000 | 960000 | 9.5600.0 |
integer overflow fix | 441563 | 0 | 9.54.0 |
issuance lock fix | 489956 | 350000 | 9.55.3 |
max fee fraction | 401278 | 0 | 9.54.0 |
mpma sends | 2145000 | 960000 | 9.5800.0 |
mpma validationfix 2323232 | 2323232 | 1.12e+06 | 9.5808.2 |
multisig addresses | 333500 | 0 | 9.47.1 |
non fungible assets | 2323232 | 1.12e+06 | 9.5809.1 |
non reassignable assets | 1463600 | 317777 | 9.5500.300 |
nondivisible dividend fix | 2323232 | 1.12e+06 | 9.5806.5 |
null data check | 352000 | 0 | 9.51.0 |
numeric asset names | 333500 | 0 | 9.47.1 |
options require memo | 489956 | 350000 | 9.55.3 |
p2sh addresses | 423888 | 0 | 9.52.9 |
p2sh encoding | 10000000 | 2e+07 | 9.5700.0 |
segwit support | 2145000 | 960000 | 9.5802.0 |
send destination required | 333500 | 0 | 9.47.1 |
short tx type id | 489956 | 350000 | 9.55.3 |
subassets | 467417 | 0 | 9.55.2 |
sweep send | 2145000 | 960000 | 9.5804.1 |
triggers | 2562560 | 1.2e+07 | 9.5812.0 |
utf-8 codec fixes | 2270000 | 1.08e+06 | 9.5806.2 |
zero quantity value adjustment 1 | 9999999 | 9.999999e+06 | 9.5900.0 |
The first step is to create your wallet. One of the easiest way is to use Counterwallet-mona, our official wallet.
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